Image of VOLTCRAFT HPS-11560 Bench PSU (adjustable voltage) 1 - 15 V DC 0 - 60 A 900 W Remote No of outputs 1 x

VOLTCRAFT HPS-11560 Bench PSU (adjustable voltage) 1 - 15 V DC 0 - 60 A 900 W Remote No of outputs 1 x

The HPS-11560 from Voltcraft's HPS series of high power DC bench power supplies is extremely compact at 200 x 90 x 275 mm thanks to its primary switched mode technology. Its full rated current range 0 - 60A is via the PSU's rear output, while its front output provides current limited to 5A.Select from 5 operating modes: Normal, Preset, Set, Remote Control and Sense. In Normal mode, settings are made using the HPS-11560's front panel. In Preset mode, stored settings are used and the front panel becomes inactive. Set mode is used to programme the 3 presets using the front panel controls. In Remote Control mode, the power supply responds to external DC voltage signals to alter Voltage, Current, and Output on/off (further details on using Remote Control mode can be found in the HPS-11560's manual under 'Downloadable Documents'. In Sense mode, measuring cables connected in parallel feedback potential drop, which the PSU automatically compensates for.

Price: EUR 636.29

Stocklist Catalogue Product Name Price
Universal Malls & Stores VOLTCRAFT HPS-11560 Bench PSU (adjustable voltage) 1 - 15 V DC 0 - 60 A 900 W Remote... EUR 636.29

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