AGM Sidewinder TM35-640, 640 x 512
Objective Size:35 mm
Thermal Resolution:640 x 512
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Shipped & sold by AGM Global Vision
5-year limited warranty
30 Day Return Money Back Guarantee
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- 50 Hz image frame rate
- 64 GB memory module
- Advanced image processing
- FOV: 12.5 10
- Vanadium Oxide Uncooled Focal Plane Array
- Highest thermal sensitivity (NETD <20mK)
Sidewinder TM35-640
The AGM Sidewinder Thermal Monocular series is the newest addition to what is already the most extensive thermal product assortment in the world! The Sidewinder TM35-640 boasts a 35mm Germanium lens and a 640x512, 12 micron, sub-20mK thermal detector which combine to provide users with an 1800 yard detection range, and one of the most detailed thermal images to date. The Sidewinder also brings many new advancements to the product category which users have been clamoring for. This handheld monocular comes equipped with the most sensitive thermal sensor on the market, providing users with a stunning advancement in image clarity and background detail. Also, this unit utilizes a removable, non-proprietary 18650 rechargeable battery which powers the unit by offering up to 5 hours of operating time, built-in to a new robust rubber armored housing for added durability and protection. The Sidewinder also comes packed with numerous software improvements, and many features that have become commonplace within the AGM thermal product assortment: 50Hz refresh rate, 64GB of built-in memory (highest in its class), Wi-Fi compatibility to pair with the AGM Connect App, an IP67 waterproof rating, F1.0 aperture, USB Type-C port for external power capabilities, 4 color palettes and an industry-leading 5 Year Transferable Warranty. The Sidewinders are built for well-rounded use and would work great for hunting, farming/herd protection, building security, law enforcement, search & rescue, boating, camping and other general outdoors activities.
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