Image of UFactory xArm5 Lite MBS-UA-04-01 Robotic arm

UFactory xArm5 Lite MBS-UA-04-01 Robotic arm

The UFactory xArm is the industrial development of the very popular desktop robot arm, the uArm. The xArm has a payload of up to 3 kg with a range of up to 700mm. Due to the high flexibility combined with the many interfaces to third-party software, this robot arm is a real alternative for many products available on the market. The following standards are met by the manufacturer:MD 2006/42/ECEMC 2004/108/ECEN ISO 10218-1:2011EN 60204-1:2018EN ISO 12100:2010EN 61000-6-2:2005EN 61000-6-4:2007+A1:2011IEC 61000-6-2:2005IEC 61000-6-4/A1:2010EN 61000-6-2:2005 [2004/108/EC]EN 61000-6-4/A1:2011 [2004/108/EC]EN 61000-6-4:2019EN 61000-6-2:2019Compared to competitors, the following factors are of particular interest for the xArm: High ROI (Return On Invest): In direct comparison, the xArm is relatively inexpensive, which means that the payback time is extremely low.Very good weight/performance ratio: With a mass of 11.2Kg, the xAr55 Lite handles a payload of up to 3kgOne-of-a-kind power management system (AC/DC): Due to the change between an AC & DC control box, the xArm can be operated both perfectly stationary and with the DC control box as a mobile manipulator on a UGVEthernet connectivity: The xArm can  be integrated into the network via static IP and subsequently programmed and monitored via the xArm Studio.Xarm control boxThe control box of the xArm provides communication between the robot arm and third-party devices, which means that additional sensors, end effectors or accessory components can also be connected to them. In addition, each xArm comes with the AC control box as standard, but a DC box can also be purchased in the accessories, which enables operation by means of 24V.This text is machine translated.

Price: EUR 10902.53

Stocklist Catalogue Product Name Price
Universal Malls & Stores UFactory xArm5 Lite MBS-UA-04-01 Robotic arm EUR 10902.53

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