Image of Sculpfun IR-2 Infrared Laser Module 1064nm 2W 003mm Spot High Precision Metal Plastic Engraving Compatible with S6 S10

Sculpfun IR-2 Infrared Laser Module 1064nm 2W 003mm Spot High Precision Metal Plastic Engraving Compatible with S6 S10

1111MicrosoftInternetExplorer402DocumentNotSpecified7 8 磅Normal0Specifications mso hansi font family Calibri mso bidi font family Times New Roman font size 10 5000pt mso font kerning 1 0000pt mso hansi font family Calibri mso bidi font family Times New Roman font size 10 5000pt mso font kerning 1 0000pt Model IR 2mso hansi font family Calibri mso bidi font family Times New Roman font size 10 5000pt mso font kerning 1 0000pt mso hansi font family Calibri mso bidi font family Times New Roman font size 10 5000pt mso font kerning 1 0000pt Light Output Power 2Wmso hansi font family Calibri mso bidi font family Times New Roman font size 10 5000pt mso font kerning 1 0000pt mso hansi font family Calibri mso bidi font family Times New Roman font size 10 5000pt mso font kerning 1 0000pt Product Material Aluminium Alloymso hansi font family Calibri mso bidi font family Times New Roman font size 10 5000pt mso font kerning 1 0000pt mso hansi font family Calibri mso bidi font family Times New Roman font size 10 5000pt mso font kerning 1 0000pt Laser Wavelength 1064nmmso hansi font family Calibri mso bidi font family Times New Roman font size 10 5000pt mso font kerning 1 0000pt mso hansi font family Calibri mso bidi font family Times New Roman font size 10 5000pt mso font kerning 1 0000pt Working Mode Pulse Operationmso hansi font family Calibri mso bidi font family Times New Roman font size 10 5000pt mso font kerning 1 0000pt mso hansi font

Best Price: USD 699.00

Stocklist Catalogue Product Name Price
Universal Malls & Stores Sculpfun IR-2 Infrared Laser Module 1064nm 2W 003mm Spot High Precision Metal Plastic... USD 699.00
Universal Malls & Stores Sculpfun IR-2 Infrared Laser Module 1064nm 2W 003mm Spot High Precision Metal Plastic... USD 699.00

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