Image of Roco 73039 H0 digital railway turntable EDK 750 of Sersa

Roco 73039 H0 digital railway turntable EDK 750 of Sersa

Fully functional model of a 6-axis rail swivel crane with movable telescopic boom. The crane can travel independantly or, after manually released gear coupling, run along in the train line. The upperstructure can be rotated 360° without stop. All turning and lifting movements with soft start and stop. With this you can take in bridges or lay points and track joche with a lot of fun. The horizontal boom is suitable for working under the traction line. The telescopic boom can be towed and telescoped in any working position, even with a load on the crane hook.This text is machine translated.

Price: EUR 1042.66

Stocklist Catalogue Product Name Price
Universal Malls & Stores Roco 73039 H0 digital railway turntable EDK 750 of Sersa EUR 1042.66

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