Image of Märklin 42470 H0 Pullman cars set Edelweiss of CIWL

Märklin 42470 H0 Pullman cars set Edelweiss of CIWL

Edelweiss Pullman ExpressModel: Six different Pullman cars in the design of the Compagnie Internationale des Wagons-Lits et des Grands Express Européens (CIWL) as THE EDELWEISS PULLMAN EXPRESS. Two luggage cars type DD3, a Pullman wagon with kitchen VPC type Côte d'Azur, a Pullman wagon without kitchen VP type Côte d'Azur, a Pullman wagon with kitchen VPC type Étoile du Nord and a Pullman wagon without kitchen VP type Étoile du Nord. Train route Amsterdam - The Hague - Rotterdam - Bruxelles Luxembourg - Strasbourg - Bâle - Lucerne - Zurich. Operating condition 1937.Model: All wagons with standard built-in LED interior lighting and standard built-in separable, current-carrying close couplers. Salon wagon with illuminated table lamps. A luggage car with train lighting A buffer capacitor for bridging short term dead spots is installed in each wagon. The interior lighting works in connection with the luggage car with tail light. All coaches in different specifications and with many scheduled, very detailed details. Set handle bars are made of metal. The interior fittings of the saloon coach are individually designed and multi-colored. Buffer height according to NEM. For each wagon four imitation main air pipes are attached. Bellows long and short enclosed. Slider for power consumption at a baggage car Minimum radius for operation 360 mm. Length over buffer luggage wagon approx. 23.9 cm. Length over buffer saloon coach approx. 26.9 cm. Total length over buffer is approx. 156.5 cm.Compagnie Internationale des Wagons-Lit et des Grands Express Européens (CIWL) is a registered trademark of the Wagons-Lites Diffusion (WLD), Paris, France. Every right of reproduction is reserved. © Wagons-Lites Diffusion - France.You can find the matching steam locomotive in the Maerklin H0 range under article number 39244. This model is available in DC version in the TRIX H0 range under article number 26470.This text is machine translated.

Price: EUR 721.85

Stocklist Catalogue Product Name Price
Universal Malls & Stores Märklin 42470 H0 Pullman cars set Edelweiss of CIWL EUR 721.85

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