Image of Keithley 2750E Bench multimeter

Keithley 2750E Bench multimeter

This data capture system combines precise measurement, switching and control in one compact device for rack mounting or use as a table-top device. The high-performance test platform is an integrated alternative to separate DMMs and switching systems, data loggers/recorders, data acquisition devices with plug-in cards and VXI/PXI Systems. This makes it possible to test solutions based on a combination of channel number, cost per channel and system performance. The input modules offer a flexible variation of the channel number from 20 to 200 (2-pin), the application of a stimulus to the device under test, the routes of signals, the control of system components and accurate measurements with up to 14 functions. Reliable digital inputs and outputs allow triggering, HANDSHAKING with other automation equipment and Output of alarm limits. With sampling rates of up to 500 channels/second (up to 3500 measured values per second on one channel) is a higher test productivity is ensured.This text is machine translated.

Price: EUR 5876.35

Stocklist Catalogue Product Name Price
Universal Malls & Stores Keithley 2750E Bench multimeter EUR 5876.35

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