Image of Jumo 548736 Temperature limiter

Jumo 548736 Temperature limiter

The use of the safety temperature limiter (STB) and safety temperature monitor (STW) can lead to hazards that could lead to injury to humans, damage to the environment or the destruction of production equipment and production goodsbe able to recognize and avert early and safely.It is the primary task of the company to reliably monitor thermal processes and to put the equipment into a safe operating condition in the event of a malfunction.The measured value at the analogue input can be acquired via different sensors or unit signals. A limit violation is signaled by the built-in LED K1 and K2 (red) for each channel and the built-in relay output alarm switches the system to a safe operating state (alarm range).The high requirements of DIN EN 61508 or DIN EN 13849 are met by a device concept whose 1oo2D structure ensures the safe detection of errors and can therefore also be used for applications that are subject to the new Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC.Protection control and control unitsSafety temperature monitor STWProtection-temperature monitor with automatic reset for heat-generating systems, in which an automatic reset takes place upon activation, after the sensor temperature has decreased/increased by the amount of the switching difference below/above the set limit value.(OPERATION 2B, 2K, 2P)Safety temperature limiter STBProtection/temperature limiter for heat-generating equipment, which can only be reset manually or with a tool.(Modes of action 2B, 2J, 2V, 2K, 2P and adjustable with special tool)This text is machine translated.

Price: EUR 1025.55

Stocklist Catalogue Product Name Price
Universal Malls & Stores Jumo 548736 Temperature limiter EUR 1025.55

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