Image of HT Instruments PV-ISOTEST Insulation tester 100 MΩ

HT Instruments PV-ISOTEST Insulation tester 100 MΩ

The PV-ISOTEST determines the insulation resistance of a single module, a string or even an entire PV field with a test voltage up to 1500V DC according to the EN62446 (VDE0126-23). Due to the presence of the string voltage, conventional insulation measuring devices require a suitable adapter to short-circuit the positive and negative connections of the PV string to be tested. Using PV-ISOTEST does not require the use of an external device. The PV-ISOTEST performs the insulation measurements in full autonomy and self-sufficiency. In addition, the PV-ISOTEST also shows you the exact position of an insulation fault in a string of the PV system using the new GFL function (Ground Fault Locator).Functions:· Insulation measurement up to 1.500V DC even on live systems· Localization of the insulation fault on a PV string by the new GFL function· Low ohm measurement (protective conductor) with a test current 200mA· Measurement of polarization index (PI) and dielectric absorption ratio (DAR) · Measurement of AC voltage components in the PV stringThis text is machine translated.

Price: EUR 2244.67

Stocklist Catalogue Product Name Price
Universal Malls & Stores HT Instruments PV-ISOTEST Insulation tester 100 MΩ EUR 2244.67

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