Image of HT Instruments I-V500w PV multimeter

HT Instruments I-V500w PV multimeter

Determination of the current-voltage characteristic curve of individual photovoltaic modules as well as of a module string up to max. 1500V and max. 15 A. By simply pressing a button, the current power (MPP), peak power, short-circuit current and open-circuit voltage are displayed on the graphic display in a few seconds and are automatically converted to standard test conditions (STC).The measured characteristic curves converted to STC are also displayed and compared with the characteristic curves specified by the manufacturer. This allows conclusions to be drawn immediately about the current quality status of the PV modules. The measurement data and the characteristic curves can be stored in the I-V500w after the measurement with 3 reference numbers (system, string, module number) and an additional text comment and transferred to the PC or iPad/tablet via the optically isolated interface or via WLAN and evaluated for further processing (protocol).A database with the characteristic data of the most common PV modules can be extended or updated at any time by the user directly as well as via the PC interface with THE TOPVIEW software.The following measurements are displayed directly on the I-V500w screen:· Peak power (at STC) and the currently measured power (MPP)· Short-circuit current ISC and open-circuit voltage Uoc, as well as Impp and Umpp· Fill factor FF in %· A graphic representation of the I-U and PWR characteristic curve for OPC and STC· The overall result of the check OK/NOKThis text is machine translated.

Price: EUR 4507.52

Stocklist Catalogue Product Name Price
Universal Malls & Stores HT Instruments I-V500w PV multimeter EUR 4507.52

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