Image of GW Instek PEL-2040B Electrical ballast unit 1 - 80 V 0 - 70 A 350 W RS485 RS232C GPIB USB  LAN

GW Instek PEL-2040B Electrical ballast unit 1 - 80 V 0 - 70 A 350 W RS485 RS232C GPIB USB LAN

The PEL-2000B-series includes a number of protection modes: Over current protection (OCP), over voltage protection (OVP), over Power protection (OPP), reverse voltage protection (RVP), and under voltage protection (UVP). SchutzmoModus von der Schutzmodul, Schutzisoliert werden und der DUT(s). A buzzer scam be set for when a protection setting has been tripped. Been a protection mode has tripped, the load unit will display an alarm and stop sinking current/voltage. When a load unit is operating in CR or CV mode, the unit may need over current protection to prevent excessive current sink. Die Stromversorgung Stopp die Belastbarkeit, zum das Gehaeuse moeglich, dass diese ggf. Und befestigen Sie das Schlauben diese vor unberechtigtem Wiedereinschalten. Over Voltage Protection is used to the limit of the amount of voltage Sunk. Falls die OVP trips, the PEL-Series load will stop sinking voltage. Over Power Protection is used when the Eingangspeicher Power ueberpruefen der Nichtig geben. When OPP is trippered, the Power will face down. Reverse Voltage Protection, which prevents reverse voltage, to the PEL-2000B series u. der specified rating. Reverse voltage protection has already been triped, an alarm tone will be switched off as long as the reverse voltage is still being removed. Under Voltage Protection will schalten Sie die Belastbarkeit der Voltage drops below a set limit.This text is machine translated.

Price: EUR 1902.46

Stocklist Catalogue Product Name Price
Universal Malls & Stores GW Instek PEL-2040B Electrical ballast unit 1 - 80 V 0 - 70 A 350 W RS485 RS232C... EUR 1902.46

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