Image of GW Instek GPP-1326 Bench PSU (adjustable voltage) 0 - 32 V 0 - 6 A RS232 USB programmable No of outputs 1 x

GW Instek GPP-1326 Bench PSU (adjustable voltage) 0 - 32 V 0 - 6 A RS232 USB programmable No of outputs 1 x

With the maximum output power of 217 W is the GPP-Series four models: GPP-1244 (0~6 0~32 V/A) for single-channel output and GPP -2323 for two-channel output (CH1: 0~32 V/0~3 A, CH2: 0~32 V/0~3 A), GPP -3323 for three-channel output (CH1: 0~32 V/0~3 A, CH2: 0~32 V/0~3 A, CH3: SUPPORTS 1.8V ensuring, 2.5V, 3.3V, 5.0 V/5A) and GPP-4277 for four-channel output (CH1: 0~32 V/0~3 A, CH2: 0~32 V/0~3 A, CH 3:0~5 V/0 ~ 1 A, CH4: 0~15 V/0~1 A). This series offers not only a high program resolution (1 mV/0.1MA) and re-read resolution (0,1mV/0.1MA), but also ≦ ≦ is characterised by an optimal noise behavior at low shaft lengths of 350 uVrms/2 mArms and a transient output power of ≦. For each channel is an independent Ausgangs-Ein/off switch.This text is machine translated.

Price: EUR 736.82

Stocklist Catalogue Product Name Price
Universal Malls & Stores GW Instek GPP-1326 Bench PSU (adjustable voltage) 0 - 32 V 0 - 6 A RS232 USB programmable... EUR 736.82

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