Image of Ersa 0ICV2005AXV Desoldering station 200 W 150 - 450 °C

Ersa 0ICV2005AXV Desoldering station 200 W 150 - 450 °C

Ersa i-CON VARIO 2 MK2, ESD 2-channel soldering and hot air station with vacuum pump, hot air piston AIR-TOOL 200W and X-TOOLVARIO 150W, antistaticThe i-CON VARIO 2 MK2 multi-channel soldering and desoldering station meets the highest demands of professional soldering and desoldering station. 2 Ersa tools can be operated simultaneously with hot air and vacuum.At this station, an ergonomic hot-air soldering iron AIR-Tool (200 W) and for desoldering wired components of the X-Tool Vario (150 W) are available to the user for contactless power transfer.All soldering tools have an acceleration sensor, which lets set an automatic standby circuit (150-300°C) or a rest-function (room temperature) after dropping. The tools heat up in seconds by moving them back to operating mode. In addition to the hot-air soldering iron AIR-TOOL other Ersa soldering tools can be used optionally.All functions, including air and vacuum generation, are integrated in a central supply unit with a very simple i-Op operation and clear displays. The station also offers interfaces for automatic switching of Ersa solder fume extractors (by standby signal), and a control possibility for Ersa infrared heaters as well as a USB connection. The station or the tools can be updated quickly and safely via an optional microSD memory card and is thus also equipped for future tools. The station is perfectly suitable for use in ESD protection zones.This text is machine translated.

Price: EUR 2458.55

Stocklist Catalogue Product Name Price
Universal Malls & Stores Ersa 0ICV2005AXV Desoldering station 200 W 150 - 450 °C EUR 2458.55

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