Image of Ersa 0IC1105A Soldering station 80 W 150 - 450 °C

Ersa 0IC1105A Soldering station 80 W 150 - 450 °C

I-CON 1 soldering station MK2 with i-TOOL MK2 soldering ironAuxiliary acts · Deep notice · Suit case. By developing the i-CON, ERSA has produced a soldering station that satisfies the requirements of increased operating temperatures and the ever smaller process window of lead-free soldering processes. The extremely small, light, ergonomic and powerful i-Tool soldering iron contributes greatly to improved quality, productivity and a huge reduction in operating costs. I-CON 1 MK2 is naturally anti-static.Innovative technology – the highlights at a glance:The new Tip'n'Turn technology enables a faster and safer tip change by using a new bayonet mount. In addition to improved ergonomics, the 142-top series offers improved heat transfer and high performance at optimum price-performance ratio· I-TOOL soldering iron MK2 with 150 W micro high performance heating element· User-friendly one-touch operation of the software with online help and easy menu navigation via i-Op menu selection. Large multifunction display.· The calibration data of the i-TOOL MK2 are stored on the PCB in the soldering iron's handle. All i-TOOL MK2 can be calibrated at a central point because of the calibration independent of the control station. · Automatic standby sensor in soldering iron i-TOOL MK2 detects the resting phase and reduces the temperature to the pre-selected standby temperature after the pre-selected standby time.Shut-down Function · Three energy power levels are available, which regulate the heating element depending on the required heat requirement. In the highest setting, the system supplies the maximum output of 150 W, in the lower setting, the output is strictly controlled and overshooting is not permitted.· Process window visually informs the operator if the temperature leaves the pre-selected temperature process window. · The optional i-Set TOOL allows additional i-CON MK2 Series soldering stations to be configured and locked automatically. The station settings can be quickly and easily downloaded (as with a USB stick) from an i-CON to the i-SET tool and loaded onto another station within 5 s. The station consists of an electronic station, a soldering iron i-TOOL MK2 with a chisel-shaped ERSADUR long-life soldering tip and a stand with dry sponge made of metal wool.This text is machine translated.

Price: EUR 501.55

Stocklist Catalogue Product Name Price
Universal Malls & Stores Ersa 0IC1105A Soldering station 80 W 150 - 450 °C EUR 501.55

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