Image of ENM 717619724 mb star diagnostic tool sd connect c4 hdd with laptop d630 computer cables full set ready to work

ENM 717619724 mb star diagnostic tool sd connect c4 hdd with laptop d630 computer cables full set ready to work

r Reviews (1)Transaction History (3)Report Item M//B S//D Conn//ect Comp///act 5 Star Diagnosis not only support K line diagnose , and 24hours test, the quality of the products;2. Supported Multi-Language: English/Bulgarian/Danish/Greek/Spanish/French/Italian/Korean adopt Military quick swap technology, it can support 10,000 times pull plug, more stable; 5. All core accosseries adopt original packing chip so old M//B/ ST///AR C4 can not support it; 3. Multiplexer now use Lan cable to connect 4. Connector and CAN BUS,but also UDS diagnose protocol. Because old MB STAR C4 main board do not have UDS chip,.syi

Price: USD 555.21

Stocklist Catalogue Product Name Price
Universal Malls & Stores ENM 717619724 mb star diagnostic tool sd connect c4 hdd with laptop d630 computer... USD 555.21

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