Image of ENM 538199408 Folding Advertising Display Boards with Header and Product Shelf Portable Carry Bag

ENM 538199408 Folding Advertising Display Boards with Header and Product Shelf Portable Carry Bag

A foldable showcase board allows you to showcase your work and your company in a clean and professional way. Foldded displaying board is exactly what you think they are: portable displays that consist of folding boards which can be put up and taken down at a moment notice. These boards are ideal for showcasing artwork, photographs, informational documents, or any type of business literature that you may have. They can make your exhibition table look clean, tidy, and make it stand out. Stay on-brand with a folding board that uses your company's colors and maximize the space you typically have at exhibitor shows..syi

Price: USD 551.25

Stocklist Catalogue Product Name Price
Universal Malls & Stores ENM 538199408 Folding Advertising Display Boards with Header and Product Shelf Portable... USD 551.25

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