Image of Dam Maintenance and Rehabilitation II ID 3721715896128300771959508

Dam Maintenance and Rehabilitation II ID 3721715896128300771959508

Author - Alejandro Carrasco-Mínguez, Francisco Hijós Bitrián, José María Villarroel González-Elipe, Maria Soledad Martín-Cleto Sánchez, Mariano de Andrés Rodríguez-Trelles, Mario Andreu Mir, Miguel Alonso Pérez de Ágreda, Moisés Rubín de Célix Caballero, Rafael Romeo García, Raimundo Lafuente Dios
Civil - Engineering - - CRC Press
As dams age, they are subject to a series of external agents and processes which tend to deteriorate the qualities with which they were originally conceived to stand against these actions. At the same time, it is often necessary to respond to incr

Price: USD 575.99

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Books, Education, Information & Magazines Dam Maintenance and Rehabilitation II ID 3721715896128300771959508 USD 575.99

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