Image of Aim TTi PL303QMT Bench PSU (adjustable voltage) 0 - 30 V 0 - 3 A 228 W No of outputs 3 x

Aim TTi PL303QMT Bench PSU (adjustable voltage) 0 - 30 V 0 - 3 A 228 W No of outputs 3 x

No. of outputs 3 x; - Output 1; - Output 1; 228 W; ; Models with single, double and triple output; Models of 6 V/8 A up to 60 V/1.5 A; Linear control - for maximum performance; Ultra compact design - consumes less space; Real analogue controls - for easy handling; S-Lock Function - immediate blocking settings; V-clamping function - adjustment of the voltage range; Low power range and averaging of the current measuring device; DC output switch and Limits; Selectable Identification Terminals; Independent, isolated tracking, Ratio Tracking and real parallel modes in case of models with double and triple output; High-current-voltage and low-voltage output for the model with triple output

Price: EUR 1560.25

Stocklist Catalogue Product Name Price
Universal Malls & Stores Aim TTi PL303QMT Bench PSU (adjustable voltage) 0 - 30 V 0 - 3 A 228 W No of outputs... EUR 1560.25

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