Image of AVT000 Threat Hunting Using Memory Forensics ID 40552891

AVT000 Threat Hunting Using Memory Forensics ID 40552891

Memory forensics is a powerful investigation technique used in digital forensics and incident response. With adversaries getting sophisticated and carrying out advanced malware attacks on critical infrastructures, Data Centers, private and public organizations, it is essential for cyber-security professionals to have the necessary skills to detect, respond and investigate such intrusions. Memory Forensics has become a must-have skill for fighting advanced malware, targeted attacks, and security breaches. This training focuses on hunting malware using memory forensics, it introduces you to the topic of Windows internals, and techniques to perform malware and Rootkit investigations. The training covers analysis and investigation of various malware-infected memory images(crimewares, APT malwares, Rootkits, etc.) and contains scenario-based hands-on labs to gain a better understanding of the subject.Learn more about Threat Hunting Using Memory Forensics here.

Price: USD 2500.01

Stocklist Catalogue Product Name Price
Software AVT000 Threat Hunting Using Memory Forensics ID 40552891 USD 2500.01

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